Sunday, 26 August 2007

Soul Survivor update!!

Soul Survivor was amazing!! Over 1000 people were welcomed into our family as they gave their lives to Christ!! God did some serious healing and opened many peoples eyes and I just thank you God...Thank you for all you have done for me!

Also thank you for all your prayers..Jamie recommitted his life to the Lord and we are starting afresh =] I've never been happier.

Could I ask that you keep my family in your prayers, God knows why x

Friday, 17 August 2007

Soul Survivor Tomorroooooooooow!!!!!!!

Tomorrow my friends is that start of Soul Survivor week B! Please contact me in the next 12 hours if you are going and maybe we can meet up.. yush??
It has been sooooooooooooo long since I posted and I have been told off, naughty Stacey! lol
Well my summer holiday has had its ups and downs but I am so excited to get out there and start praising Jesus!
Jamie is going which is a relief to say the least as his work have been silly moos and said that he couldn't get the Saturday off but through God's grace he is able to go and I pray that God will make a strong impact on his life and open Jamie's eyes to the true splendor of our king!!
>>>>>>>>>>>..Stacey jumps up and down on her bed..<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Please pray for us and don't miss me too much, I shall keep you updated =]

God Bless you all and remember keep smiling x <3