Saturday, 1 December 2007

Loooooong Time!!

Long time.. and here I am. The 1st of December and I am feeling oh so christmassy, although I know as soon as I get home for Christmas Newlook will be awaiting with a million shifts for one to do, oh the blissful joy of that job.
I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year. Last year was a bit of a disaster with me crashing my car so I pray that nothing this year will get in the way of the festive season. Tis the season to be jolly, as one wise person said.
I've started December with a bunch of christmas films and eaten too many mince pies.. but hey its christmas!.. well soon anyways.
Uni's going ok, haven't had any results for my essays yet, but hoping all is well. I went to London a couple of weeks back and saw some amazing shows and met, woe and behold, Kevin Spacey, which in itself is pretty amazing!
Life with Stacey is good, yet the old glich is always there..but smiling gets anyone through the day.
I expect comments seeing as so many of you were bugging me for a new post and here it is fresh off my keypad.



Anonymous said...

How is meeting Kevin Spacey a boring blog ?

Stacey Spacey. so I upgraded your new nick to Stace the Space Ace.

Ann Marie said...

At last I was almost sending you the link to your blog incase you'd lost it lol. Take care Stace

Rev xx

Ant said...

Newlook eh? I know who to come to now when I need some woollen pink legwarmers

Anonymous said...

Grrrr www.STOPchangingyour.URL

Its annoying. Specially after i gone and changed the bookmark to your new one.

anonymous said...

about time, now keep it up and blog like you have no life like the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back blogging, Stace!

Me loves ya [=